Nominating Committee
The 2015 Nominating Committee was composed of Françoise Lévesque-Paré (0040), Gilles Levesque (1034) and Micheline D. Parent (0275 for life). The six positions whose principals ended on August 23, 2015 are those of Benoît Lévesque (0177), Danielle D. Dusablon (1019A), Étienne Dusablon (1018), Françoise L.Paré (0040), Hermance Lévesque-Maolnar (0413) and Mariette Leclerc (1050A). Five agreed to stand again: Danielle, Étienne, Françoise, Hermance and Mariette. Benoît wishes to withdraw. So, a candidate must be presented. The Nominating Committee introduced the following member who accepted: Gilles Lévesque (0873). The function of this committee is to prepare a list of eligible candidates for positions on the Board of Directors. See Article 7.01 of the Members Regulation for the year 2018-2019
- Hermance Lévesque-Molnar, President (0413)
- André Lévesque – Vice-President (1192)
- Rémi Lévesque – Director ( 0690)
Research Committee
The mandate of the Research Committee is to create a genealogical database with reference to the source, to inventory family histories and to list Lévesque personalities and those of associated families. These objectives also include the collection of all documents that contribute to making the history of the Lévesque family better known. The Research Committee is responsible for the collection and publication of this information. Members:
- Marie-Ange Lévesque, President (0002 for life)
- Paulette Trudeau-Lévesque (0770 for life)
- Fernand Lévesque (0001 for life)
- Lorraine Morin Lévesque (0004)
- Réal Lévesque (0007)
Recruitment Committee
Under the theme of being a Lévesque, the Recruitment Committee has set itself the following objectives:
- develop an interest in the Lévesques and their association;
- arouse curiosity in new people;
- create links on a basis other than social or historical, namely the pride of being a Lévesque;
- join several generations;
- learn more about our big family.
Members: Raymond Lévesque (0140 for life)
Editorial Board
This committee supports the editor-in-chief of Lévesque Info in the conduct and direction of the newsletter. Members:
- Don Levesque (0003 for life)
- Paulette Trudeau-Lévesque (0770 for life)
- Thérèse Lévesque (1049)
Council of Elders
The function of the Council of Elders is to give advice on the life of the Association, on its orientation, on the decisions to be taken. See Article 9.11 of the Regulation. Members:
- Fernand Lévesque (0001 for life)
- Don Levesque (0003 for life)
- Camille Lévesque (0017)
- Norbert Lacroix (0742A)
- Yves Levesque (0025)